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A trans feat. Elgin Willigerodt_ Wächter
25. Januar 2024 @ 19:00 - 19:30
The title of the new series 2024 is A Beast City. Let’s have a look to the absurd, the beast, the living world!
Elgin Willigerodt lives and works as an artist in Berlin. Her sculptures are delicate, abstract and have the human being as their scale. For her, the concentration on pure form is also an ordering of thoughts, or even better: a limiting, condensing of the diffuse, drifting and unsorted.
In her installation Wächter, she overlays the narrative night-time perspective of the Zoological Garden with brightly colored sculptures made of metal, Plexiglas and glossy painted kappa board. The ´Wächter´ enter into a dialog with the light reflections and function as abstract hybrid beings that lead us unquestioningly into other worlds.
https://www.atrans.org | https://www.elgin-willigerodt.de
Facebook: atransorg | elginw
Instagram: @atrans | @elginwilligerodt