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A trans feat. Mareike Yin-Yee Lee: chamaeleon
14. November 2024 @ 18:30 - 19:00

Chamaeleon is an ode to the in-between. Mareike Yin-Yee Lee’s drawing on glass creates a shape-shifting, filtering, semi-porous subject whose colors and patterns subtly shift in overlappings according to the viewers’ point of view as they pass by.
This silent observer of a being is a soft, floating liminal web that holds space inside and out.
The artwork transforms the state of a public transport station’s vitrine into a vessel of possibility, investigating relative perspective and perception.
Born in Toronto, Canada and based in Berlin, Lee studied at the Universität der Künste, Berlin, and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax, Canada.
For further information:
www.atrans.org | www. mareikelee.com
Instagram: @atrans | @mareikeyinyeelee